
News – August 16, 2024

Aerial Allies: François and His Falcons

At the San Martín de los Andes Airport, ensuring the safety of flights is a top priority. To tackle the challenge of keeping unwanted birds away from the runways, the airport has turned to an age-old practice that combines tradition with modern technology: falconry. This approach is not only effective but also fascinating, thanks to our great friend François, who has played a pivotal role in this unique effort.

François, an avid falconer and wildlife enthusiast, has brought his expertise to the airport, using majestic raptors to monitor both the skies and the ground. Falconry, which dates back thousands of years, involves training birds of prey to hunt and scare off other birds. At San Martín de los Andes, this method is employed to create a natural deterrent for smaller, potentially hazardous birds that might otherwise pose a risk to incoming and outgoing flights.

With the help of his magnificent birds—particularly Peregrine falcon, Harris’s Hawk and Aplomado falcon—François has established a system where these raptors patrol the airspace and the surrounding areas of the airport. Their keen eyesight and impressive flying skills make them exceptionally well-suited for this task. As these birds of prey soar gracefully above the runway, they instinctively discourage smaller birds from settling in or flying too close to the aircraft.

François’s dedication to the craft of falconry has made a significant difference. His raptors are not just tools but partners in a delicate balance of nature and technology. Their presence not only ensures a safer environment for planes but also adds a touch of natural elegance to the operational routine at the airport.

Thanks to François and his remarkable birds, the San Martín de los Andes Airport can enjoy a safer, more efficient operation while embracing a tradition that honors both the beauty and the utility of these incredible animals. It’s a reminder of how blending ancient practices with modern needs can lead to innovative solutions and highlight the remarkable bond between humans and wildlife.

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